Community Partnerships
How does our school partner with businesses and organizations in our community?
Volunteer Matching Grant (VMG) Program
The Intel Corporation encourages its employees to be active in their communities. Intel employees who volunteer in schools can earn money for education. Under the VGM program, for every twenty (20) hours an employee volunteers at Farmington View, the Intel Foundation will donate $200. The volunteers and their contributions are recognized each year at a ceremony to celebrate the success of the program. Over the past six years, Intel employees have donated 2,580 hours of their time at Farmington View for $23,500 in Volunteer Matching Grant awards.
Farmington View Parents for Academic Excellence (FVPAE)
The Farmington View Parents for Academic Excellence (FVPAE) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting our Math Program at Farmington View. FVPAE sponsors fundraisers and solicits donations from the community to fund a half-time math teacher. The math teacher provides extensions and interventions in order to support all students' grades 1st-6th. Additionally, this allows all math classes to have 22 students or less. Providing more focused and robust math instruction.
Alphabest School’s Out Program
Alphabest offers after-school day care at our school Monday through Friday until 6:30 p.m. The School’s Out Program tries to create a great experience that is fun and engaging for children and also meets the needs of working parents.
Architecture In The Schools Program
The Regional Arts and Culture Council, in conjunction with the American Institute of Architects, Portland Chapter, sponsors Architecture In The Classroom at Farmington View Elementary School. Fifth and sixth grade students work with an architect to help them understand the architecture used to design and build structures and create communities. Through a number of hands-on activities over a six-week period, students learn about “stress” and “force” in the design process, how to “build to order” with an emphasis on communication, and how to design a community using “function” and “scale.” Students create architecture projects modeled after a city. The unit culminates with a guided tour of Portland’s downtown historical buildings.
Hillsboro Schools Foundation
The Hillsboro Schools Foundation is a volunteer organization dedicated to raising private funds to enhance public education for children. In the past four years, the Foundation has awarded more than $360,000 that directly benefits Hillsboro students through service, technical and education grants. In the past, Farmington View has received approximately $25,000 for a new computer lab, $5,000 to implement our STAR Academy to support reading in the primary grades, and $5,000 to support our STEPS summer program for entering first and second grade students. This year, HSF expects to award $80,000 in grants to teachers for innovative projects that will extend student opportunities for success and learning.