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Music Programs
All students receive formal music instruction each week from our music specialist.

Beginning Band
Farmington View continues to offer sixth grade students an opportunity to join band and begin learning to play a musical instrument. An informational letter is sent home to parents the first week of school inviting interested sixth grade students to participate. Our Band Teacher shares information with parents about local music stores that rent band instruments during a band orientation meeting in September. Band students are scheduled to perform for parents and community members in December and April.

Student Council 
Intermediate students (grades 4-6) at Farmington View have an opportunity to increase their leadership skills by participating in Student Council. Our school counselor helps students build a sense of community and identity. Students submit an application at the beginning of the year to apply to be a part of our Student Council. Our Student Council group helps with our assemblies and weekly announcements. 

Bobcat Influencers
Intermediate students (grades 4-6) at Farmington View have an opportunity to increase their leadership skills by participating in our Bobcat Influencers Group. Our Bobcat Influencers is our student voice group that supports us in a variety of areas. We meet once a month and students bring to the meeting any questions or concerns around the building. Our Bobcat Influencers began our May Tournament of the Books where they select a diverse group of books for classrooms to read throughout the month of May and each class votes on their top book. 

STE(A)M Night
Farmington View holds an annual STE(A)M Night event. Classrooms work on science projects leading up to the event and put them on display in their classrooms. Students are given the option to do individual science fair projects to have on display in the gym. This is an event of our community coming together to share in the work that our students have done. 

Talented and Gifted (TAG) Program 
Parents are welcome to refer their child for services designed for students identified as talented and gifted (TAG). Students who score at or above the 97th percentile on a nationally standardized test of overall reading or math or on a mental abilities test, and have other confirming evidence that they learn at a rapid rate and advanced level, are identified as TAG students. With parent input, individual plans are made to adjust the rate and level of the student’s instruction to meet his or her specific needs. If you think your child may qualify for TAG services, and want information about the referral and identification process, please contact the School Counselor/TAG Coordinator.

Field Day
Toward the end of each year, students have an opportunity to participate in our annual Field Day. Students enjoy getting involved in organized games, races, and field events with their classmates and other grade-level students. Primary students participate in field day in the morning and intermediate students are scheduled for the afternoon. Parents and volunteers help supervise the events. Parents who would like to help out should notify their child’s teacher or our PE teacher at the school.

After School Programs

Our school offers a variety of afterschool clubs throughout the year. See our clubs and activities drop down.