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Principal's Message


Natasha Echeverria


Dear Farmington View Families,

Being the principal of Farmington View Elementary School is a tremendous honor and is the best job in the world. Each day I am thrilled to work with such a caring and dedicated staff and families. I am excited to bring my skills as an educational leader to your son’s/daughter’s school and to collaborate with you as a partner in education to ensure your child’s success.

Along with staff, I will work hard to continue the legacy of success established at Farmington View by building strong relationships with parents, students, staff, and community partners.  We will focus on character education initiatives through Positive Behavior Intervention Support, Capturing Kids Hearts, fostering a nurturing, safe environment for children, use of data to inform instruction, consistent implementation of newly adopted English Language Arts to increase students’ achievement, by providing exciting and challenging enrichment opportunities for all students.

The diverse student population at Farmington View Elementary School provides everyone with an awareness and appreciation for all cultures. The Farmington View staff are passionate, dedicated educators who set high standards of achievement so our young scholars can be successful. We are determined to drive rigorous engagement in literacy, writing, math, and science, and provide individualized opportunities for student growth. To ensure this happens, we collaborate regularly around student learning, challenge one another, and seek to continuously improve in teaching and learning. We set high expectations for ourselves and our young scholars, and work together in the process of achieving those expectations.

Thank you for trusting us with the education and caring development of your child. If you have questions or concerns that arise at any time, please do not hesitate to give your child’s teacher or me a call. Family support is a critical link to student achievement. We want to hear from you!

Go Bobcats!

Natasha Echeverria